Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Superheroe Birthday Party

My son wanted his 5th birthday party to be a superheroes party. I prepared a coupled of superheroes activities. The downside is that with all the activities (and of course I made his Batman's costume), I was not able to take my camera out of its bag.  So these are the photos I was able to do before the party started. These are the activities:

Photocall to fly over the city.

I used a Polaroid picture in the "poster" to let everyone know how to fly. I made two clouds cushions, and two buildings (boxes covered with E.V.A. foam). The buildings did not survive to the 2 year old boys...

Photocall to lift a building.

This was a last minute idea. I made that building for the previous photocall but didn't like the result, but my son saw it and picked it up saying "I'm super strong".

Help Captain America recover his star.

The shield and the stars (I made 6 stars) are made of felt. The stars have velcro on the back. The kids (or the parents) had to cover their eyes.


Attack the monsters.

Throw the anti-monsters mineral into their mouth. 

Capture the parents. 

Surround the parents with serpentine ribbons. Some parents sat down, others were standing up.

Because in these parties sometimes it's hard  to control everyone, I made a poster with a list of all the activities to become a Superheroe.

Also I marked for each activity an area, in the next photo you can see a bit what it looked like.  

It was a fun party, the kids were entertained. For next time I have to ask a specific person to take pictures for me.


Mermaid blanket (2 hours)

Last week we were invited to a girl's 4th birthday. I decided to make a warm mermaid blanket for her (the inside is fleece) It only took two hours to put it together. And she really loved it, and so did her older sister who asked me to make one for her. 😍

I started making it only two hours before the birthday party and because I was in a hurry I almost forgot to take a few quick pictures.
